Book Club

Page last updated: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Do you like reading books? More importantly, do you love discussing your reads with fellow readers? Our Librarian and Dean are hosting a Book Club for students, members and the wider King’s Inns community.

Here’s how it will work

  • We will organise about five meetings in the course of the academic year, via Zoom. Meetings will take place in the evening, at a time when we hope most of you will be able to attend.
  • We will read books related to law or by legal authors, but NO textbooks or academic books. We may also include some books related to other topics.
  • You do not need to read the whole book in order to come along to the meeting but just be aware that there may be spoilers during the chat about the book if you haven’t got to the end by the time we meet online.
  • You do not have to attend every meeting, please sign up at any time to come along to the next book club meeting.

How to get involved for 2024 – 2025

Fourth Book Club

Our second–to–last book club meeting of this academic year will happen on 14 April 2025. The selected book to be discussed will be On trial for Murder: courtroom dramas that gripped the world by Emily G. Thomson. Come to meet us & “uncover the dramatic events surrounding some of the world’s most controversial murder trials”.

April 2025 book club

Third Book Club

The third book club meeting of this academic year will happen on 3 March 2025. The book voted for and discussed was ‘From Holywood to Hollywood: My Life as an International Libel Lawyer to the Rich and Famous by Paul Tweed‘’.

Second Book Club

The second book club meeting of this academic year happened on 20 January 2025. The book voted for and which prompted a lively discussion was ‘Fugitive: The Michael Lynn Story by Michael O’Farrell.

First Book Club

The first Book Club meeting of the academic and legal year 2024–2025 took place on Monday, November 11 at 7 pm through Zoom. The book voted and selected on our LinkedIn page was “The Missing Postman – What really happened to Larry Griffin?‘’ by Fachtna Ó Drisceoil. 

Books we read in 2023 – 2024

  1. First Book Club: ‘THE MURDERER AND THE TAOISEACH‘ by Harry McGee (Hachette Books, 2023). 
  2. Second Book Club: ‘THE KIDNAPPING‘ by Tommy Conlon and Ronan McGreevy.
  3. Third Book Club: ‘WITCHCRAFT: A HISTORY IN 13 TRIALS‘ by Marian Gibson.
  4. Fourth Book Club: ‘Error of Judgement: the Birmingham bombings and the scandal that shook Britain  by Chris Mullin.
  5. Fifth Book Club: ‘A Lethal Legal: a history of Ireland in 18 Murders‘ by Fin Dwyer. 

Previous Readings 


  1. First Book Club – “LESSONS FROM THE BENCH” by Judge Gillian Hussey, Gill Books (2022)
  2. Second Book Club – “NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH“ by The Secret Barrister, Pan Macmillan (2022)
  3. Third Book Club – THE LAST COLONY by Phillipe Sands, Weidenfeld & Nicolson (2022)
  4. Fourth Book Club – THE MANDELA BRIEF‘ by Thomas Grant, Hachette (2022)
  5. Fifth Book Club – UNLOCKED AN IRISH PRISON OFFICER’S STORY‘ by David McDonald with Mick Clifford, Penguin (2023).


    1. First Book Club –  ‘THE SUPREME COURT‘ by Ruadhán Mac Cormaic, Penguin (2016).
    2. Second Book Club – ‘SPIDER WOMAN: A LIFE‘ by Lady Hale, Bodley Head (2021).
    3. Third Book Club – ‘NOBODY’S VICTIM‘ by Carrie Goldberg, Virago (2019).
    4. Fourth Book Club – “WHAT LIES BURIED“ by Kerry Daynes, Hachette (2021).
    5. Fifth Book Club – I AM (MISS D) AMY DUNNE‘ by Amy Dunne with Orla O’Donnell, Gill Books (2022).

    Where to get books

    Books can be purchased from Irish Bookshops online such as

    And borrowed from 

    • Many local libraries are offering a reserve and collect service. Find your local library here.

    Connect via Social

    If you want to reach out to anyone participating in the Book Club, use the hashtag #KIBookClub on Social – Twitter is our chosen network.

    If you need help with anything, drop us an email at

    Join us for the Book Club below

    To become a member of the book club please sign up and we will be in contact before the next meeting. 


    To receive the Zoom link for the next book club, you must register before 11 am on the date of the book club meeting. 


    If you would like to unsubscribe from book club notifications at any time, please email