Join Our Member Community
King’s Inns is developing our member community with the help of our Member Relations Officer, Diane Sutton. Diane will be working directly with members to develop a range of events to strengthen relationships and provide further career and networking opportunities in Ireland and internationally.
Our members are at the heart of our community at King’s Inns, contributing to the wider society in broad and diverse ways. King’s Inns are excited to formalise our member relations services and are really looking forward to assisting Diane in enhancing our membership community, enriching our relationship with our graduates.
Mary Griffin | CEO and Under Treasurer
Current students and all graduates of the degree of Barrister–at–Law can become subscribing members of King’s Inns (based in and outside the State) and avail of many benefits and discounts. Benchers, Law Library members and degree of Barrister–at–Law students are automatically subscribing members to King’s Inns once their fees are up to date.
Graduates of King’s Inns who are disbarred or voluntarily removed from the Register of Members of the Society are not eligible to become subscribing members.
Specially Qualified Applicants: Barristers who qualified in other jurisdictions, visit the Specially Qualified Applicants page for information on how to be admitted to The Honorable Society of King’s Inns and to the degree of Barrister–at–Law. Solicitors who wish to apply to transfer to be a barrister, please visit this page also.
Benefits and Discounts
Subscribing Members can avail of a number of benefits including discounts on most advanced diploma courses, renting a car park space, or hiring King’s Inns as a venue – more details below.
If you wish to avail of the discount on advanced diploma courses you must have a discount code. Please contact to get your discount code before applying to any of the courses (available Monday to Thursday 9am to 2pm).
Our subscription term runs from January to December each year.
- Judges of the Circuit Court
- Judges of the District Court
- Practising – Law Library Members
- Practising – Non Law Library Members
- Non–Practising – all graduates from King’s Inns who are not practising as a barrister in or outside the State. Graduates who are practising law outside the State are also welcome to join under this category
- Newly Qualified Barrister
- Barrister–at–Law Student
Membership 1: Judges of the Circuit Court - €100.00
- Judges of the Circuit Court
Membership 2: Judges of the District Court - €100.00
Judges of the District Court — (Available to Barrister graduates)
Membership 3: BL Graduate: Law Library Member - €0.00
- Entered on the Roll of Practising Barristers (maintained by The Legal Services Regulatory Authority).
- Member of The Bar of Ireland.
- Annual subscription fee: You are automatically a subscribing member, as a subvention to King’s Inns is included in your fees to The Bar of Ireland.
- Exclusive access to Dining nights and the opportunity to bring guests;
- Discount on renting a car park space at King’s Inns;
- 10% discount on the use of King’s Inns as a venue;
- 10% discount on most professional development courses (Advanced Diplomas)*;
- Access to the King’s Inns Library*;
- Member social events, talks and conferences;
- Right to receive notice of and attend the AGM.
Membership 4: BL Graduate: Non Law Library Member - €100.00
- Entered on the Roll of Practising Barristers (maintained by The Legal Services Regulatory Authority).
- Practising barristers who provide legal services only as an employee of a partnership of solicitors, or as part of their employment within the State for an employer who is not a legal practice.
- Practising barristers in any public, education and private sector employment within the State.
- Annual subscription fee: €100.00
- Exclusive access to Dining nights and the opportunity to bring guests;
- Discount on renting a car park space at King’s Inns;
- 10% discount on the use of King’s Inns as a venue;
- 10% discount on most professional development courses (Advanced Diplomas)*;
- Access to the King’s Inns Library*;
- Member social events, talks and conferences;
- Right to receive notice of and attend the AGM.
Membership 5: BL Graduate: Non–practising - €100.00
- Any Barrister–at–Law graduate who have not practised.
- Graduates who once practised in the State and not practising anymore.
- Graduates who are retired from practising with the Courts.
- Graduates who are practising barristers in jurisdictions outside the State.
- Graduates who are practising barristers in public, education and private sector employment outside the State.
- Annual subscription fee: €100.00
- Exclusive access to Dining nights and the opportunity to bring guests;
- Discount on renting a car park space at King’s Inns;
- 10% discount on the use of King’s Inns as a venue;
- 10% discount on most professional development courses (Advanced Diplomas)*;
- Access to the King’s Inns Library*;
- Member social events, talks and conferences;
- Right to receive notice of and attend the AGM.
Membership 6: Newly Qualified Barrister - €50.00
- All Barrister–at–Law graduates, that have completed their studies at King’s Inns, can avail of a 50% discount on membership in their first full year as a barrister.
- To be eligible for this discount, purchase your membership any time in your graduation year, and your Graduate membership commences 1st January of the following year.
- Your Barrister–at–Law tuition fee covers your membership in your graduation year (with student benefits until graduation date, member benefits after that date, until 31st December).
- Barristers who are members of The Bar of Ireland, you will not need to purchase Graduate subscription. You are automatically a subscribing member, as a subvention to King’s Inns is included in your Bar of Ireland fees.
- Annual subscription fee: €50.00 (January to December).
- Exclusive access to Dining nights and the opportunity to bring guests;
- Discount on renting a car park space at King’s Inns;
- 10% discount on the use of King’s Inns as a venue;
- 10% discount on most professional development courses (Advanced Diplomas)*;
- Access to the King’s Inns Library*;
- Member social events, talks and conferences;
- Right to receive notice of and attend the AGM.
In addition to the Member Benefits above, Thomson Reuters have very kindly arranged a 40% discount on Delany & McGrath on Civil Procedure, and Walsh on Criminal Procedure; the discount can be used on the printed book, the eBook or the bundle (whether you get a copy of each). You will get your discount code emailed to you when you subscribe to King’s Inns.
Membership 7: Barrister–at–Law Student - €0.00
- You are automatically a subscribing student member if your tuition fee is fully paid. Please see your student handbook for further details.
- Student Member Access to the King’s Inns Library*
- A gift of 10 nights of Dining during your studies from the Benchers of King’s Inns
- Member social events, talks and conferences
- Discount on renting a car park space at King’s Inns
- 10% discount on the use of King’s Inns as a venue
- 10% discount on most professional development courses (Advanced Diplomas)*
*Advanced Diplomas
Discount applies to all Advanced Diploma courses excluding the following:–
- Dlítheangeolaíocht / Lawyer–Linguistics
- Aistriúchán Dlíthiúil / Legal Translation
- Dlí–chleachtadh trí Ghaeilge / Legal Practice through Irish
- Electoral Law and Politics
[Irish courses are part funded by The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media].
*Use of Library
- Current students hold library cards – all other members should sign the attendance book on arrival.
- Current registered students and Benchers are entitled to borrow books from the Library only.
- If you wish to photocopy/print using the Library’s smart card, there is a discounted rate available for members at a cost of 12 cent per page.
- We hold academic licences for all our electronic databases which only entitle current registered students to access them; they are not accessible by any other category of user.
More Information
For more information, please contact our Member Relations Officer, Diane Sutton at
Don’t forget to sign up to our quarterly newsletter or follow us on social media through the links below.