News Stories

Members: 06 June 2024

Save the Date: Reunion dinner for Barrister graduates of a year ending in ‘4’

Save the Date: Reunion dinner for Barrister graduates of a year ending in ‘4’

We are pleased to confirm that our next celebratory evening dinner is planned for Friday, November 29 2024, for barrister graduates of the following years to mark the anniversary of your graduation:

  • 1954 | 1964 | 1974 | 1984 | 1994 | 2004 | 2014

A chance to reconnect and reminisce in a unique dining setting. Reunion events celebrate 10 years or more since graduation. 

Event details

  • 4–course meal including pre–dinner drink in The Bar Room
  • Drinks can be pre–ordered and paid for on the night of Dining

While we have endeavoured to update contact information for our members, and will try to get in touch with graduates of each year, we also appreciate your help in spreading the word if you are aware of anyone from your year who would be interested in this event.

Register your interest

Online reservations will be open soon. Meanwhile, you can register your interest filling the form below:

If you have any questions on the event, please contact our Member Relations Officer Diane Sutton at ALUMNI@KINGSINNS.IE