Education: 09 May 2024
King’s Inns EU Trip 2024

EU Institutions Kings Inns visit 2024
King’s Inns organised a trip to Brussels, where students from the Advanced Diplomas in Lawyer–Linguistics and Legal Translation had the chance to visit #EUInstitutions last month. See the highlights of the trip:
Day 1
Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh BL, coordinator of Irish language courses at King’s Inns, with Dean Dr Eimear Brown, CEO Mary Griffin and students from the advanced diplomas in lawyer–linguistics and legal translation at the Translation Service of the Council of the European Union. (Image 1)
John Kelly and Ross O’Brien from the Translation Service of the Council of the European Union gave a detailed presentation on the role of translators for students on the course.
King’s Inns students and staff with translators from the Council. (Image 2)
Jason Gavin from the interpretation service of the Council of the European Union ran an excellent workshop for King’s Inns students, demonstrating the day–to–day work of interpreters and allowing students to experience the role.
Mike Williams of Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the European Union, met King’s Inns staff and students to discuss life in Brussels and job opportunities for Irish citizens within the EU.
Day 2
Irish language translators from the European Parliament with Head of Unit Ieva Mainardi and King’s Inns students and staff. (Image 3)
Irish language translators delivered an engaging and enlightening presentation to students on King’s Inns Irish language advanced diplomas in lawyer linguistics and legal translation. Students learned about the role of the work of the Irish translation unit at the European Parliament and about life in Luxembourg.
Advocate General Tony Collins spoke to students about the role of the advocates general in the Court of Justice of the European Union. Judge Colm Mac Eochaidh delivered a bilingual presentation on the role of the General Court and his work as a judge. King’s Inns students and staff also met with Judge Suzanne Kingston and Judge Eugene Regan during their trip. Madeleine Carton provided an insight into her work in the cabinet of Judge Kingston. Aifric Ní Fhloinn BL and Cárthach Ó Faoláin explained their work as lawyer linguists in the CJEU.
Many thanks to Aislínn McCrory, Head of the European Commission’s Irish Language Unit and the staff of the European Commission, who discussed their work and the opportunities for candidates with good Irish language skills, as well as opportunities specific to candidates who also have a legal background. (Image 4)