LSDSI: 15 February 2024
Auditor of the LSDSI Norah O’Brien will deliver her Inaugural Address

Norah O’Brien, student on the Barrister–at–Law Degree course (Modular), and Auditor (194th Session) of the Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland (LSDSI), will deliver her Inaugural Address on Wednesday, February 21, at 5.20 pm.
The theme of the Address is:
“Life in Plastic, is it fantastic? Legal Issues in Relation to Cosmetic Surgery in Ireland”
The Hon. Ms Justice Emily Egan presiding.
Proceedings will commence at 5.20 pm SHARP in the Upper Lecture Room
All welcome to attend
All King’s Inns students, members and alumni are welcome to attend.
No registration required. The Address will take place in the Upper Lecture Room, Dining Hall Building at King’s Inns.
About the LSDSI
The Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland (LSDSI) is a student–run body originally formed as a debating society in 1830. Over the years, it has evolved and now represents all facets of student life at King’s Inns.
The LSDSI benefits from considerable support and direction from King’s Inns.
Further details on the LSDSI can be found HERE >