Job Vacancies/Opportunities : 04 October 2023
Job Opportunity: The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is hiring a Legal & Knowledge Management Researcher

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is recruiting a Legal & Knowledge Management Researcher. Successful applicants must, on or before 17 October 2023, hold an honours degree (at least a Level 8 of the National Framework of Qualifications) in Law or an honors degree in another discipline plus a post graduate qualification in Law and Have demonstrable experience in conducting in–depth legal research and analysis gained either through relevant post–graduate studies or through conducting legal research and analysis in an employment or internship context.
It will be an advantage to have an extensive knowledge of Irish law and the Irish legal system along with a knowledge of EU and ECHR law, strong information technology skills, analytical and evaluative skills and techniques, good written communication skills, an ability to work independently and in a team environment and an ability to plan, prioritise and manage tasks in a systemic and organised way in order to deliver work of a high quality against tight deadlines. Shortlisting may apply. Canvassing will disqualify.
The competition will be carried out in line with the codes of practice as published by the Commission for Public Service Appointments which are available at
How to apply
For more information and to apply please see Latest Vacancies – Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (
Applicants should submit their CV and application electronically to: to arrive before 3.30pm on Tuesday 17 October 2023.