AND BREATHE Wellness Series: 31 August 2023
King’s Inns Glendalough Hike

Join us for our annual charity fundraising hike in Glendalough on Sunday, October 15, at 10 am. Enjoy nature and reward yourself with breathtaking views over Glendalough Valley and the surrounding Wicklow uplands.
The hike is in support of the Capuchin Day Centre, and part of our AND BREATHE series. Come along and have a great day out with fellow students, barristers, staff members and the wider alumni community. Friends, family and pets are all welcome.
Our group will be covering the Spinc and Glenealo Valley Walk at Glendalough (White Route, approx. 9 km) but there are a wide variety of routes to choose from at Glendalough so do feel free to do those independently if you prefer and meet us for coffee afterwards.
Glendalough Hike – how to register
Online registration is now closed; all bookees should receive an email on Friday evening confirming your meeting point details. Students getting the bus from King’s Inns on Sunday morning MUST have received email confirmation from Diane confirming your place. Please be on time! :–)
You can still contribute to our fundraising efforts, we are encouraging a minimum contribution of €10.00 per adult/€5.00 per child to the King’s Inns GLENDALOUGH HIKE IDONATE FUNDRAISING PAGE.
This page will be open until 31 Oct 2023.