General: 31 October 2023
King’s Inns Council Elections 2023

Nominations are invited for the Bar Benchers’ Panel (5 Vacancies) and for the Practising Barristers’ Panel (5 Vacancies) of the Council of the King’s Inns. Persons elected will serve for two years from 1 January 2024.
Nominations shall be sent in writing (including by email) to the Returning Officer, signed by the proposer and seconder (each of whom must be eligible to vote for such candidate in the 2022 Election) and countersigned by the candidate accepting such nomination no later than 4PM on 08 November 2023. Any nomination received after that time will not be accepted. Nominations for both Panels can be sent to the Office of the Under Treasurer or emailed
Any person nominated shall have the right to withdraw their name until 4pm on 11 November 2023.
In the event of the number of members nominated for a panel exceeding the number of seats available, a poll shall be conducted to fill such seats. Voting will be by electronic vote. The electronic vote shall be conducted over the course of 1 week, commencing at 10AM on 29 November 2023 concluding at 2pm on 06 December 2023.
The following members of the Council of the King’s Inns term of office will expire on 31 December 2023 on completion of their term of office and are eligible for re–nomination.
- Mr John Rogers SC
- Mr David Nolan SC
- Mr Fergal Foley
- Mr Finbarr Fox SC
- Ms Jacqueline O’Brien SC
- Elizabeth Donovan
- Mr Gerard N Murphy
- Mr Glen Gibbons
- Mr Dermot Sheehan
- Ms Sally O’Neill
Learn more about Council elections and the Governance structure of King’s Inns HERE.
Returning Officer / Under Treasurer
The Honorable Society of King’s Inns