Events: 31 August 2023
King’s Inns Excels in International Negotiation Competition in Rome

Following on from the excellent performances of the King’s Inns mooting teams in international competitions, we are delighted to report that the King’s Inns team also excelled in the recent International Negotiation Competition, in which the King’s Inns team came third in the world (jointly with the team from Canada). This year, the competition was held in Rome, Italy.
King’s Inns was ably represented by Justin McAleese and Carla Fusciardi Wallace, who were both students on the full–time Barrister–at–Law degree course during the past academic year. Justin and Carla worked as a team, negotiating their way through a range of practical scenarios against other teams from all around the globe.
About the Competition
This competition requires excellent analytical skills as well as superb verbal communication skills and emotional intelligence. Negotiators work closely in teams of two in order to represent the best interests of their client in an ethical manner. King’s Inns is very proud of Carla and Justin’s success.
Pictured: Justin and Carla on the day of their Call to the Bar in July 2023, holding the cup they won in the national round of the competition. Congratulations to Carla, Justin, and to coach Conor Duff BL!
Incoming students on the Barrister–at–Law course who are interested in participating in this competition during the upcoming year should keep an eye on their King’s Inns email account for further information.