Job Vacancies/Opportunities : 16 June 2023
Job Opportunity: King’s Inns requires a Lecturer in Constitutional Law for its Diploma in Legal Studies

King’s Inns invites applications from qualified Barristers for a fixed–term appointment as Lecturer in Constitutional Law on its Diploma in Legal Studies. The successful applicant will assume the role in September 2023.
The successful applicant’s immediate priority will be to become familiar with Constitutional Law materials before the first lecture on Monday, September 25.
How to apply
- The completed form must be emailed to King’s Inns does not accept applications in any other format.
- The deadline for the receipt of applications by King’s Inns is no later than 5 pm (Irish time) on Monday, July 17, 2023.
- Late applications will not be accepted. The time at which the email is received by King’s Inns is definitive.
- This application form is devised to enable the short–listing process and relates to the criteria set out in the role description. Failure to provide sufficient information/detail in this form could result in your application not being short–listed. It is, therefore, in the applicant’s interest to complete this application form clearly. All sections of the form must be completed.
- Canvassing will disqualify.
Procedure following application
- Following the application deadline, King’s Inns will shortlist applicants for interview.
- Interviews of shortlisted applicants will be in–person in King’s Inns.
- The successful applicant will be required to attend training.