Members: 17 November 2022
Member Offer – Palles. The Legal Legacy of the last Lord Chief Baron

Our friends in Four Courts Press have arranged a pre–Christmas offer that may be of interest to members of King’s Inns. Get 20% off Palles. The Legal Legacy of the last Lord Chief Baron – a book recently launched marking the 2020 centenary of the death of Christopher Palles.
Christopher Palles was admitted as a Barrister–at–Law student of King’s Inns in 1849.
Four Courts Press say:
“This fascinating new work explores the judicial legacy of chief baron Christopher Palles, the last chief baron of the Court of Exchequer (Ireland), in a judicial career spanning over 40 years from 1874 to 1916.
It brings together legal scholars, legal historians and social historians to critically analyse the impact of a leading figure in the development of Irish law and society in the late nineteenth century across a range of fields including land law, tort law, administrative and company law, charity law, criminal and civil procedure.”
In the first scholarly assessment of its kind, this collection examines Palles’ contribution through his most enduring legacy – his written judgments – and tracks the global and lasting influence of those decisions in subsequent cases and contemporary legal scholarship throughout the common law world.