Events: 05 May 2022
The Irish Association of Law Teachers will host its Spring Discourse at King’s Inns this year

The Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) will host its Spring Discourse at King’s Inns this year. The theme of the event will be ‘Judicial Dialogue Across the Islands’.
They will be joined by the Chief Justice of Ireland Donal O’Donnell and the Lady Chief Justice of Northern Ireland Dame Siobhan Keegan in conversation with Professor Aoife O’Donoghue, Queen’s University Belfast.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Location: King’s Inns Dining Hall, Constitution Hill, Dublin 7
Time: 5 pm
The event will be followed by a wine reception which will be a great opportunity to catch up in–person with law academic colleagues from across the island.
Cost and Booking Details
The event is free to attend and is open to members of the Irish Association of Law Teachers or those who are eligible to become members i.e. law academics and PGR students attending a law school on the island of Ireland.
Learn more about the event here.
About the IALT
The Irish Association of Law Teachers (IALT) was established in 1979 with the objective of advancing legal education, legal research and the work and interests of law teachers on the island of Ireland.
Ordinary Membership is open to all teachers and researchers of law (full and part–time) on the island of Ireland, though Associate Membership is also available to individuals based outside Ireland. The Association has representatives at all third level institutions in the country and maintains links between teachers and academics between these institutions.
Further information can be found on the IALT website.