AND BREATHE Wellness Series: 30 November 2021
King’s Inns presents “Digital Resilience in an Always–on World” with Chris Flack, co–founder of UnPlug

Part of our AND BREATHE… wellness series, King’s Inns is hosting an online workshop titled “Digital Resilience in an Always–on World” with Chris Flack, co–founder of UnPlug.
This FREE keynote will empower participants to create positive digital habits with our new hybrid working models, and so, maximising performance in an always–on world.
This event will take place via Zoom on Thursday, 9 December at 6 pm.
Open to King’s Inns students, subscribing members and alumni.
About the event
Due to Covid–19, the world has gone through an accelerated digital transformation project for remote working, which had many positive impacts such as flexible working, being supported by virtual meetings and collaborating efficiently via shared platforms. However, the human impact of this rapid transformation has included challenges with creativity, focus and ability to switch off.
In this engaging online session, UnPlug will share their insights and experiences working with over seventy organisations throughout Europe. The aim is to work with participants on shaping their vision for positive and focused tech usage. In addition, participants will leave with practical takeaways that can be implemented at work and home, as well as an opportunity to share challenges and good practise with their colleagues.
About UnPlug
UnPlug works with the world’s leading forward–thinking companies delivering evidence–based talks and workshops on positive Digital Habits and Digital Culture. Their mission is to help people control technology instead of controlling them, leading to improved focus and higher quality rest.
For more, see
Sign up below
We will contact you via email on the day of the event with Zoom details. Registration will close at 11 am. Please make sure you enter your email address correctly.
If you have any queries, please email MEMBERS@KINGSINNS.IE.
Registration is now closed.