LSDSI: 15 November 2021
Aisling Bruen elected Auditor of the Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland 2021–2022

In October, Aisling Bruen, a student on the Diploma in Legal Studies course, was elected Auditor (192nd Session) of the Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland (LSDSI).
On Aisling’s appointment, King’s Inns CEO and Under Treasurer Mary Griffin said:
“I would like to extend my congratulations to Aisling on her appointment, and I look forward to working with her in the year ahead.
As we all continue to work, live and learn through another year of social distancing, nurturing community spirit among the student body is something King’s Inns would like to continue to focus on this year. We will assist Aisling in any way we can in her aspirations to bring community to the heart of the role as Auditor.”
Aisling will assemble a committee that will assist her in running a range of student activities throughout the academic year. Aisling will also host her Inaugural Address in 2022 to the student body, lecturers, members and invited guests.
About the LSDSI
The Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland (LSDSI) is a student–run body originally formed as a debating society in 1830. Over the years, it has evolved and now represents all facets of student life at King’s Inns. The LSDSI benefits from considerable support and direction of King’s Inns.
Further details on the LSDSI can be found here.
About Aisling Bruen
Aisling Bruen is a student on the Diploma in Legal Studies and aims to continue onto the degree of Barrister–at–Law course here at King’s Inns. Aisling has previously attained a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Applied Social Care, a Master of Arts in Criminology from Technology University Dublin and a postgraduate in Housing Law and Policy from Limerick University.
As a proud care leaver, Aisling is passionate about advocating for children’s rights in care and aftercare. She currently works as a Social Care Worker in children’s residential services. She holds a position on the Irish Aftercare Network Steering Committee, a national forum for Aftercare Workers and professionals working with young people transitioning from state care to independent living.
Aisling has a rich history of volunteerism, organising at a grassroots and community level. She has previously held positions on the North Inner–City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force; the National Housing and Homeless Coalition; Young People at Risk Network (YPAR), Homeless Working Group and too facilitated Inner City Organisations Network (ICON) Drugs Working Group.