AND BREATHE Wellness Series: 06 September 2021
King’s Inns Calcutta Hike – Glendalough

King’s Inns Community – will you join us?
King’s Inns are planning a hike in Glendalough on Sunday, 19 September from 10 am to circa 1 pm. Enjoy nature and reward yourself with breathtaking views over Glendalough Valley and the surrounding Wicklow uplands.
The hike is in support of our friends at The Law Society of Ireland, and their Calcutta Run 2021 charity event, which this year involves working virtually as a collective to travel 30,000km over ten days from Friday 17 September to Sunday 26 September. View further details about their event here.
Our group will be covering the Spinc and Glenealo Valley Walk at Glendalough (White Route, approx. 9km) but feel free to come along and cover any route you wish!
All students, members, alumni, staff and their friends and family are welcome to join.
This activity is the first of many as part of our AND BREATHE wellness series for 2021 – 2022.
How to register
Please email our member relations officer Diane Sutton at if you would like to attend. Once registered, Diane will confirm the meeting point details.
We are encouraging all participants to donate €20.00 (or more) to the King’s Inns Calcutta Run iDonate fundraising page, or alternatively Diane can collect your donation on the day.