Celebrating a Century : 19 May 2021
Open call for contributions to ICC feminist judgments book

Professor Louise Chappell (UNSW, Sydney), Dr Rosemary Grey (University of Sydney) and Dr Kcasey McLoughlin (University of Newcastle, Australia) are inviting expressions of interest for contributions to the first book on the International Criminal Court (ICC) using a feminist judgments methodology, tentatively titled: Feminist Judgments: Reimagining the International Criminal Court.
The project
The project focuses on a significant gap in ICC research: the contribution of judges to the Court’s poor conviction record for sexual and gender–based (SGB) crimes and their application of gender–sensitive judging in general. The research aims to provide new knowledge for judges, legal experts, and scholars to improve accountability for SGB crimes and to support a gender–sensitive approach to adjudication.
The project’s central output will be the first book on the ICC using a feminist judgments methodology. The research team is delighted to have already secured agreement from leading feminist international law experts to contribute to the volume and are seeking expressions of interest from both established and early career researchers (ECR) who may wish to contribute a short piece re–imagining part of an ICC judgment from a feminist perspective.
It is intended that this ICC–focused collection will build upon the strong foundation laid by previous national law and international law ‘feminist judgment’ books.
What is involved?
Contributors will author (or co–author) a segment of an ICC judgment, in accordance with the Court’s legal framework, but interpreted through a ‘feminist’ lens. For example, some chapters may re–write a Chamber’s findings with regard to the interpretation of a particular crime or legal principle, while others may re–write particular factual or procedural findings.
The editors have identified some ICC judicial findings to be re–written in this manner, but we also welcome applicant’s own ideas in this respect.
The aim of the re–written judgments will be to demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of gender–sensitive judging, within the constraints of the evidence and the law. The editors will share ideas about what ‘gender–sensitive judging’ can entail, but contributors are also welcome to develop their own interpretation of this method.
Each contribution will be relatively brief (under 5,000 words). Final contributions will be due by 31 March 2022, in order to meet the publishing deadline and to avoid delays for the other contributors involved.
While contributions regrettably cannot be remunerated, support for research assistance, translation, access to documents will be considered on request.
In addition, in order to create a sense of community among interested contributors, and to discuss approaches to feminist judgment writing, all contributors are encouraged to attend a ‘feminist judgment writing’ workshop in mid–June 2021 (online). There will be some targeted pre–reading for participants, and the workshop itself should not exceed two hours.
To apply
Applications are welcome from senior scholars and ECR alike from across the globe with an interest in international criminal law, gender justice, feminist judgment projects, or other relevant area which could engage with the focus and aims of the project, described above.
Applications are particularly encouraged from contributors from ICC situation countries. Applications to co–author a contribution are also welcomed.
To apply, please submit the following documents via email with the subject heading: Attention Project Manager: Expression of Interest to s.varrall@unsw.edu.au
- 500–word statement outlining your proposed contribution and how it aligns with the project focus and aims
- A copy of your resume/CV
The due date for applications is Friday, 4 June 2021.
This book will be the primary outcome of an Australian Research Council funded three–year project to study gender and judging in international criminal courts, with a focus on the International Criminal Court.
The project is supported by the Australian Human Rights Institute at UNSW, Sydney as well as the University of Sydney and University of Newcastle.
More information on the project is available here.