AND BREATHE Wellness Series: 24 March 2021
And Breathe – Spring Stress Management Series

As we pass the anniversary of the first Covid restrictions, we are now a full year into dealing with the additional stresses and challenges inherent in teaching, learning and working online.
March–April is the assessment period for many of our students, including those on the degree of Barrister–at–Law course. It is the run–up to annual examinations for students on the Diploma in Legal Studies and students on our advanced diploma courses are also working on their final assignments.
With all of this in mind, King’s Inns has put together a short Spring Stress Management series of events for students on all programmes. Members and the wider alumni community are welcome to participate also.
The series comprises of:
- Three restorative / relaxation yoga sessions, and
- One online talk on dealing with stress in times of pressure.
All sessions will take place live over Zoom, in order to be accessible to all. Places at each session are limited, so if you are interested and available, sign up below.
Restorative / Relaxation Yoga Sessions
The very experienced team will deliver these sessions at Samadhi Yoga, Dublin, including Cara Chotiner and Greg Walsh (owner and director of Samadhi Yoga). Visit for more details of the studio and their team.
They will be relaxing sessions and will not require you to be fit or knowledgeable about yoga! Learn to breathe and relax with the experts.
The sessions will take place from 7.00 pm, for one hour, on each of the following dates, starting next week:
- Tuesday 30 March – REGISTRATION CLOSED
- Tuesday 13 April – REGISTRATION CLOSED
- Tuesday 27 April – REGISTRATION CLOSED
Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions below, and you will receive an email with the link on the day of each class. Spaces are limited, so please only sign up if you can definitely attend.
Session on Managing Stress in Times of Pressure
This session will be delivered by Ursula Cullen, who is an alumna of King’s Inns, a solicitor, and mindset coach with experience of coaching lawyers.
Students on the degree of Barrister–at–Law and Diploma in Legal Studies courses already have access via Moodle to an excellent online, optional course on “Optimising Personal Performance” delivered by Ursula. Any student who hasn’t accessed that material is encouraged to do so.
Ursula will be delivering a live online session on Managing Stress in Times of Pressure on Monday 19 April at 7.00 pm, via Zoom – REGISTRATION CLOSED.
If you have any queries, please email
Sign up for the Stress Management Series below
We will contact you via email on the day of the event with Zoom details. Please make sure you enter your email address correctly.
Registration will close at 1 pm on the day that each event takes place.
Registration is now closed.