Members: 16 December 2019
Students at King’s Inns raise funds for the Capuchin Day Centre and families in Direct Provision

Coordinated by Conor Rock, our new LSDSI (The Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland) Auditor, students on the Diploma in Legal Studies and Barrister–at–Law Degree organised a magnificent Christmas Carol Service in the King’s Inns Dining Hall on Tuesday 3 December 2019. It was well attended by a number of students, members, faculty and the wider community on Henrietta Street and in the Grangegorman area.
€1,131.12 was raised on the night. On behalf of the Student Society, Conor would like to thank all those who donated and attended, as well as the singers and musicians, particularly Joe Bradley for conducting, as well as the King’s Inns for hosting the event.
A number of BL students also organised a Christmas gift appeal for children and families in Dublin Direct Provision centres. The campaign was run in conjunction with the Movement for Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI).
The total amount raised, including online donations and gift cards, was €2,832.00. A special thanks to the team at DAC Beachcroft, who donated a huge amount of gifts and toys to the initiative.
The response for these Christmas appeals were amazing and it is really encouraging to see so many King’s Inns students, members, staff and the wider community getting involved.