Members: 08 November 2019
2019 EBA Annual Employment Law Conference

The conference is hosted by the Employment Bar Association of Ireland, a specialist association of barristers who practise and advise on employment law. The Employment Bar Association is a vibrant hub of expertise. Its members may be called upon to advise on an in–depth and specialist basis on employment and workplace issues, and they are an invaluable source of expert knowledge and experience in litigation.
In today’s world, it is important to keep up with continuing developments. The employment law conference will be an invaluable opportunity for busy solicitors, barristers, in–house counsel, HR practitioners, trade union officials, and all those working in the area of employment law on a day–to–day basis, to inform themselves of the latest developments in employment law. Key issues of practical and legal importance will be addressed by arristers who are leading practitioners in their field.
Time: 1:30pm to 5.30pm
Date: Friday 22nd November 2019
Location: The Atrium, Distillery Building, 145–151 Church Street, Dublin 7
Booking information available here.