Education: 21 October 2019
New part–time Course on Social Media and Media Law to launch soon in Dublin addressing current and emerging issues in the print and online world

The area of social media and media law is very much an evolving environment and presents emerging issues particularly due to advances in communications technology. The Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law will provide a comprehensive introduction to, and overview of, social media and media law to include the law of defamation, contempt of court, privacy, broadcasting/press regulation and the regulation of new forms of media.
Open to those working in communications and delivered by leading industry experts including specialist solicitors and barristers practising in this area, as well experts involved in press regulation and in journalism, the course will provide participants with a comprehensive and practical knowledge of the legal framework impacting social media and media law in Ireland in an ever–changing environment.
This course will be of interest to those working in social media, those working in communications and PR, writers, journalists, bloggers, in–house counsel, those working in the newspaper and broadcasting industries, data protection lawyers and barristers/solicitors working in the public and private sector together with anyone in the entertainment or media industries.
This Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law is available to study in person and through blended/online distance learning with most classes recorded using e–learning software allowing students to catch up in their own time and study remotely. The advanced diploma schedule is specifically designed to accommodate the needs of participants who are in full–time employment. The course takes place over a period of 16 lectures on Tuesday mornings from 8.30 – 9.50am, commencing in November 2019.
To be awarded the Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law, a participant will be required to successfully complete one written assignment.
Application deadline for the course is midnight on Monday, October 28th, 2019. To view the class schedule for this course – and also apply for the Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law, please click here.