Education: 21 June 2019
New course to be offered Autumn 2019 – Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law

This Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law will provide a comprehensive introduction to and overview of social media and media law to include Irish law, EU Law and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Students will learn about the main areas of media law to include the law of defamation, contempt of court, privacy, freedom of expression broadcasting/press regulation and the regulation of new forms of media.
The course will be delivered part–time one morning a week through the medium of lectures presented by experts in the area. It will take place over a period of 16 weeks on Tuesday mornings between 8.30 – 10.00 a.m. It will also be available via blended learning, with most classes recorded using e–learning software and made available to students for streaming via our student intranet system.
Coordinated by Dr Sarah Fennell BL. this course will provide valuable insights into the legal framework impacting social media and media law in Ireland. This course will be of interest to: those working on social media platforms and in search engine companies; those working in communications and PR; writers, journalists, bloggers, in–house counsel, those working in the newspaper and broadcasting industries; data protection lawyers and barristers and solicitors working in the public and private sector; anyone in the entertainment or media industries.
For more information about the course, please click here.