Education: 08 December 2018
New course to be offered from September / October 2019 – Advanced Diploma in Quasi–Judicial Decision–Making

The range of entities making independent decisions over a multiplicity of complaints, disputes and entitlements is ever–increasing. Tribunals, adjudicators, disciplinary panels, ombudsmen and a gamut of appeals bodies are keystones of both public and, to a growing extent, private administration in Ireland. These quasi–judicial decision–makers walk an often tricky line between procedures adapted to their area of dispute resolution, the need for efficiency and speed, and the dominant requirement of due process.
Delivery will be part–time over six weekends (Friday evenings and Saturdays) at intervals throughout the academic year, commencing Autumn 2019. Lectures from high calibre experts in judicial and quasi–judicial decision–making will be complemented by tutorials which will enable participants’ close focus and honing of skills most relevant to their own decision–making context. A panel event on managing challenging or vulnerable witnesses will be held before evening dining in the King’s Inns, which participants will be also invited to attend.
While lectures and tutorials will be the primary delivery method and attendance is preferred, blended options and e–learning components will be included across all elements of course.
This course will be suitable for people responsible for making quasi–judicial decisions, who are involved in the administrative structures around such decisions, or who are seeking training to enhance their applications for quasi–judicial roles in the future. The course is suitable for lawyers and people working in a regulatory context with familiarity with a rules–based approach to rights and entitlements.
Moire course information can be found here.