Events: 07 December 2018
Christmas Collection for Children in Direct Provision

King’s Inns are delighted to support a group of BL students who are collecting Christmas gifts for children in Dublin Direct Provision centres.
This worthwhile initiative is spearheaded by Céile Varley, Joy Kangere and Barakat Gbadamosi. The response has been amazing so far and it is really encouraging to see so many King’s Inns students and staff getting involved.
They are looking for gift cards to the maximum value of €20.00. All gifts must be handed in and collected before 5pm on Friday 14th December 2018.
They are looking for age appropriate gifts between €10 – €20 in value. Gift cards (for example, One for All / Mothercare / Smyths) are ideal as then the child can choose something they really like.
People can donate by leaving a gift card into the King’s Inns Reception under ‘Direct Provision Collection‘.
All gifts should be submitted before 5pm on Friday 14th December 2018, so they can distribute the gifts in plenty of time for Christmas.
Céile Varley is from Co. Clare and just completed the Diploma in Legal Studies.
Barakat Gbadamosi is from Dublin and holds a LLB from Maynooth University.
Joy Kangere is from Dublin and holds a BCL from UCD.
All three are current Barrister–at–Law students.