Events: 27 November 2018
Christmas Carols at the Inns

The LSDSI [The Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland] are hosting their annual King’s Inns Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday, December 4th at 5.30pm in the Dining Hall for students, staff, tutors, alumni and the local community.
A collection will be held before and after the carol service in aid of The CAPUCHIN DAY CENTRE, a worthy local charity for homeless people. Please bring in any unwanted coin that you may have at home (all donations greatly received no matter how small).
Mulled wine and mince pies are kindly provided by King’s Inns and our food and events partner, Claire Hanley.
All welcome.
Please note that Santa Claus himself and perhaps Rudolph are due to make an appearance, so anyone with children are welcome to bring them along too.