Members: 21 September 2018
A Court with no paper – Get ready for the future of litigation

Half day Conference on eLitigation on Saturday 13 October 2018 at King’s Inns
See what Courts will soon become: How today’s paper–heavy litigation will move to paperless in the near future. Hear lectures from those already involved in paperless litigation and those getting us ready to take the next steps, featuring a live courtroom demonstration.
09:15 Registration
09:30 Official Opening by The Honourable Mr Justice Michael MacGrath, Judge of the High Court
09:45 eFiling and eService
- Chair: Liam Kennedy Partner A&L Goodbody and Law Society Litigation Committee Member
- James Bridgeman SC, President at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- Mary Rose Gearty SC, Bar Council of Ireland.
10:15 eFileManagement and eBriefing
- Chair: The Honourable Mr Justice Michael MacGrath
- Frank Lanigan, Bundledocs Ltd. “Electronic Brief Building”
- Gerard Groarke BL, “Working with an eBrief”
11:00 Tea & Coffee
11:15 ePresentation
- Chair: The Honourable Mr Justice Michael MacGrath
- eCourt Solution Overview: Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh BL, Chair of eCúirt Teo. (eCourt™)
- eCourt Demonstration: Declan Harmon BL winner of Adrian Hardiman moot.
- Discussion
12:00 Panel Discussion
- Chair: The Honourable Mr Justice Michael MacGrath
- All speakers
12:40 Lunch* at King’s Inns
3 CPD Points available. There is no charge for the Conference but you need to pre–register at by 5pm Wednesday 10 October 2018 to ensure receipt of your CPD Certificate. *A three course Lunch is available for €35 for a limited number of participants. If you would like to avail of lunch, please indicate when you pre–register.
eCourt™ was piloted in the paperless Supreme Court case of Lannigan v. Barry [2016] 1 I.R. 656. In his judgment Clarke J. (as he then was) spoke to the eCourt System at p. 659:–
Before going on to consider the issues arising I think it is appropriate that I should record that the hearing of this appeal was facilitated by the first use in this court of a new system known as eCourt. That system involves all of the documentation for the appeal being placed on tablets, one of which is made available to each of the members of the court with additional tablets being provided to the legal teams representing the parties. The software facilitates ease of access to any particular document which may be under discussion at a specific point in the hearing. While, doubtless, as will always be the case with a new experiment, improvements can and will be made, I should record my own view that the experiment must be regarded as a success. In addition the cooperation of the legal teams and court staff with those providing the service is very much to be welcomed.
Visit for more details.