LSDSI: 01 February 2018
LSDSI activities at King’s Inns: Maidens’ Moot

The final of the Maidens’ Moot, an annual mooting competition aimed at students new to mooting, took place on Friday 19 January 2018. Unusually, both finalists, Conor Rock and Neasa O’Callaghan, were Diploma I students with only a few months’ experience of studying at King’s Inns.
The finalists were supported by a large number of their classmates. Three members of the High Court very kindly gave up their time to judge the moot: the Hon Ms Justice Mary Ellen Ring, the Hon Mr Justice Paul Coffey, and the Hon Ms Justice Eileen Creedon. All of the judges were very impressed by the high standard of advocacy displayed by the two finalists, who argued a problem designed by April Duff BL, a recent alumnus of King’s Inns. The eventual winner was Conor Rock. We would like to congratulate Conor and Neasa on a superb performance and to thank our mooting convenors, Alex Layden BL and Joe Holt BL, for all of their hard work on this competition.
The Brian Walsh Mooting Competition is currently under way.
Have a look at other activities the LSDSI [The Law Students’ Debating Society of Ireland] undertake here.