LSDSI: 15 February 2018
LSDSI activities at King’s Inns: 2018 McCarthy Impromptu Debate

The 2018 McCarthy Impromptu Debate took place on Wednesday 7 February before a busy dining hall. Full–time students Arthur Griffin and Patrick Fitzgerald, along with modular 1 student Deirdre Moore, debated the motion “This house believes that Brexit is a wonderful idea and that Ireland should also join the UK Exodus from the EU”, with Arthur Griffin carrying the day on behalf of the motion (the sides of which were assigned randomly by lot).
Mr Justice Binchy, Mr Justice Barniville, and David Nolan SC judged the debate, which took place before dining and was well attended by current students.
This light–hearted debate takes place each year at King’s Inns in honour of the memory of the late Mr Justice Niall McCarthy, Judge of the Supreme Court, and his wife, Barbara, who died tragically in a car accident in 1992. The debate is one of two ways in which King’s Inns marks the life and contribution to the legal world of the McCarthys; the other is via the McCarthy Bursary, details of which can be found on our website here. As this marks the 15th anniversary of the bursary, many past bursary recipients attended the debate and dinner.