King’s Inns Law Review : 20 September 2016
King’s Inns Law Review Volume VI Launch

The Editorial Board of the King’s Inns Law Review cordially invite you the official launch of Volume VI of the KILR.
Volume VI will be launched by Mr Justice Frank Clarke on the 13th of October at 5.30pm in the Bar Room, King’s Inns.
The launch will be followed by a reception of wine and canapés.
Copies of Volume VI of the KILR will be available for sale on the night for a price of €30 and a special price of €25 for students.
The King’s Inns Law Review is an annual publication that is peer–reviewed, edited and produced by students of The Honorable Society of King’s Inns. Each volume contains article written by law students and recent law graduates from universities and educational institutions around the world. The review contains a diverse range of articles on a variety of topical legal issues.
The launch provides a great opportunity to speak with the current editorial board and find out ways to get involved in the publishing of the law review. It also provides an opportunity for prospective authors to hear more about the submissions process and the review procedure.