Education: 05 August 2015
King’s Inns Advanced Diploma in Applied Employment Law

Sweeping and unprecedented changes to Irish Employment Law are currently underway. How employment rights claims are made will be dramatically different from October 2015 onwards. To ensure you are fully equipped with all the latest in employment law developments, you should attend the King’s Inns Advanced Diploma in Applied Employment Law.
This unique course in Applied Employment Law leads to the award of an Advanced Diploma by King’s Inns. Participants engage with the most up–to–date information, using teaching methodology that makes the material useful regardless of your individual field. Whether you are a lawyer providing advice in this area, work in the public or private sector, are an employer or a trade union official, work in human resources or run a small business, this course is invaluable. The course is interactive, with a practical focus.
Delivery is in part–time early morning mode through lectures presented by leading experts in various aspects of employment law. The course commences 29 October 2015 and will take place over 21 weeks on Thursday mornings 8.30 – 9.50 am. Complementary parking and refreshments will be provided for participants. Please note that all participants on the course will have the opportunity to dine at King’s Inns as our guests on Tuesday 9 February 2016.
Course Schedule:
Start Date: 29th October 2015
Duration: 20 weeks of lectures (Final date 28th April 2016)
Time: Thursday mornings, 8.30 – 9.45am (Final April session is afternoon/evening)
Refreshments: Coffee/Tea and Pastries will be available in the Dining Hall from 8am
Location: Upper Lecture Theatre, The Honorable Society of the King’s Inns, Constitution Hill, Dublin 7
Cost: €2,280, payable in advance
For further information on the course dates, content delivery, and on our teaching team, please click here.