Events: 17 November 2016
Christmas Carols at the Inns

Date for your Diary: Wednesday, December 7th.
All welcome to the King’s Inns CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE at 5.20pm
in aid of
Date for your Diary: Wednesday, December 7th.
All welcome to the King’s Inns CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE at 5.20pm
in aid of
The Bar of Ireland’s “Look into Law” Transition Year Programme is an exciting initiative aimed at increasing students’ awareness of the work of The Bar of Ireland and to encourage students to consider a career as a barrister. This annual “Access all areas” programme, held every February, aims to encourage schools and students from a wide cross–section of society to apply to take part.
Read MoreThe Editorial Board of the King’s Inns Law Review cordially invite you the official launch of Volume VI of the KILR.
Read MoreTá roinnt bheag áiteanna fós ar na cúrsaí seo i gcomhair 2016–17
Read MoreDé Máirt an 4ú Deireadh Fómhair 2016 idir 2:30pm agus 4:30pm reáchtálfaidh Óstaí an Rí seimineár ar dheiseanna fostaíochta leis an Aontas Eorpach do chainteoirí Gaeilge. Tá raon leathan post i gceist agus pá agus coinníollacha den scoth ag gabháil leo.
Read MoreMajor Irish Arbitration Conference taking place 18 November 2016. Registration now open.
Read MoreCeardlann in Óstaí an Rí ar theisteanna síciméadracha mar áis dóibh siúd atá ag tabhairt faoi chomórtas EPSO le bheith ina n–aistritheoirí leis an AE
Read MoreCurrently in its fourth decade, the Diploma is aimed primarily at people who do not hold a law degree but who would like to qualify as barristers. However, the Diploma also attracts students with a more general interest in the law or who wish to learn more about the law due to the nature of their current career.
Read MoreLecture in Irish by Prof. Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh (NUIG) on Patrick Pearse, barrister, graduate and member of King’s Inns.
Tuesday 4 October 2016, 5pm–6pm at King’s Inns. No registration required. Open to all.
What became the Bar Rising last March was first suggested by auditor, Sam Deasy, as a ‘women for election’ talk. A simple matter of having a few speakers give a pitch to our students, encouraging our budding barristers to think about future participation in local or national representation.
Read MoreOn Monday 11 April we had a small celebration at the Inns with the Johnston family who have gifted to us, on indefinite loan, a portrait by Sean O’Sullivan RHA of their distinguished forebear, Judge William J Johnston.
Read MoreOne of the most outstanding children’s charities in Ireland, Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, will be hosting a Château de Fieuzal Wine Dinner on Thursday, April 28th, here in King’s Inns. Still a few tables available to book.
Read MoreWe are pleased to inform you that a celebration dinner is being planned for Friday 22 July 2016 in the Dining Hall, King’s Inns for all graduates from a year ending in ‘5’ and ‘6’ to mark the anniversary of your graduation.
Read More1916: Rebellion in Ireland. 2016: Diversity and Equality in Ireland? Join us for dinner at King’s Inns to mark the beginning of a new centenary, not to mention, a new political landscape.
We will bring together leading figures in law, politics, human rights, media and business to start a new conversation about diversity in Ireland’s future.
It is probably an odd thing to say but one of my stand–out memories from the four years I spent studying in King’s Inns is all the coffee breaks we had. That’s not to say the lectures and the class work weren’t interesting. They were. In fact, it was often the intensity and focus of those same lectures that made me look forward to the breaks so much.
Read MoreI arrived in the King’s Inns in October 1991. I had never been in the building before and was directed downstairs to a room for my first lecture on practice and procedure. I was early and took the nearest available seat beside a woman I did not know.
Read MoreMY FOUR years at King’s Inns have served me and the constituents and public I represent very well across my time in the Seanad and now in Dáil Éireann. Never more so than in the past months when, as a member of the Banking Inquiry team, I have been tasked, with others, with finding the most salient points in some 500,000 documents.
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